January 10, 2024

Duno Hollows: Inspired by Lake Ontario. The smallest but deepest of the lakes. Features rich blue, glistening waters, the cleanest looking. Has the most beautiful of port towns. Perhaps home to that beautiful town King. Home to mystical birds of prey and man-sized sturgeon and trout, which the bids battle or hunt.

January 10, 2024

Isinblad Bog: This name means something like “Sturgeon bladder”. Not really a lake, but a marsh or bog connected to Mont Sand. Inspired by Lake Erie. Contains vicious creatures and difficult to navigate waters without a shallow ship.

January 10, 2024

Mont Sand: Inspired by Lake Michigan. The most inhabited, built-up lake. People from this lake are considered city people. Residentship grew because of the desire to live on its shifting terrains, since it has massive sand dunes, bluffs, prairies, beaches, and large trees overhanging the waters. Euchaberry is on this lake.

January 10, 2024

Suave Lake: Inspired by Lake Huron. A long, thin lake known for housing serpent monsters and having a sweet taste to its water.

January 10, 2024

Lake Glacia or Lake Glassa (meaning glacier or ice): Inspired by Lake Superior, the deepest, windiest, and iciest lake. Up north. The hardest of villagers, workers, and sailor reside here. The ice steps are up here too, and the Irksome Freeze. Home to some iron whales, dinosaurs, and husk hounds.

January 9, 2024

Efficient in illegal fishing operations and capturing any type of bounty, the Dwarven Fishermen use crafty tools to catch its prey. Never disbanded or defeated, but the entire Dwarven race is expected extinct after an attempted genocide by The Clerics during the Lighthouse Wars.

January 9, 2024

Joon Olivet’s faithful following. Known for stealth and bounty hunting. Broken up but still technically running.

January 9, 2024

Buckshot Cunningham’s crew. Now dispersed, mainly suspected dead or lost, amongst Breckon Bore.

January 9, 2024

Hailing from Windfall’s Snare, the original gang from the crime-ridden island before Buckshot Cunningham formed a new gang that poached many of its members.

January 9, 2024

Popular—and traditionally independent and nonpartisan—newspaper and mail distribution service fueled by its workforce of cormorant birds. Nicknamed the CCC for its ability to reach mail recipients by land, air, and water (Coast, Cloud, and Coral).

January 9, 2024

Conglomerate trading company, owned and operated by Solt Vallark, involved in a variety of dealings, most notably live and dead animal trades, tobacco, spices, newspaper distribution (Cormorant Couriers), alchemy, ammunitions, lumber, and jailing. Owner of the Enchanted Vivarium. Debatably the highest powered organization in all Breckon Bore after the fall of The Clerics.

January 9, 2024

Former intellectual rulers of Breckon Bore. Overthrown during the Lighthouse Wars, segmented into businesses and gang factions.

January 9, 2024

Past conflict in Breckon Bore leading to the dismantling of Clerical rule; the uprising was fought by an alliance of renegades: Lango Guardians, gangs, pirates, fairies, dwarves, and various wildlife and human factions throughout the lakes.

September 21, 2023

A group of scheming, enigmatic beings who work as informal law enforcement throughout Breckon Bore, but mainly as jailers at Falcon Fog Penitentiary. They prove to be both allies and adversaries at different points in Jessie’s journey.

September 21, 2023

Magical surgeons, physicians, and witch doctors who run The Soaring Beacon infirmary ship. They possess extraordinary healing abilities, by way of moving a life source from being to another, and provide guidance to Jessie on his quest.

March 1, 2023

Jessie’s stepmother, wife of Collin Qwake, and Roe’s Point lighthouse keeper. A resourceful and protective woman. She is shaken by recent events and becomes more cautious in her interactions with others. She is willing to go to great lengths to keep her loved ones safe, but she holds secrets, and surprises, of her own. Role:…

January 26, 2023

A witch doctor of the Un-deviling Ward who reluctantly trains Jessie. Her mastery in ancient hexes and curses has saved many from insanity. Role: Physical Appearance: A leather-clad witch. Characterization Role Summary: Display Name: Mistress Rang First Name: Mistress Last Name: Rang Nicknames: Rang Profession: Witch doctor Nationality: Role Type: Supporting Gender: Unknown Age: Hair:…

January 26, 2023

A member of the Defect Division Ward on the Soaring Beacon, who reluctantly trains Jessie in the art of Lango. She is a skilled healer, mainly in the practices of separation and amputation, and has unique insight into the magical creatures they encounter. Role To guide Jessie through his first magical, medical pursuit. Physical Appearance…

January 26, 2023

Age: 45 Profession:Putzer abouter, drinker of wines, chewer of fish cud, Chuckball extraordinaire, exiled froggrin Home:Isinblad Bog Abilities: Jumping, climbing, pitching a mean Chuckball, welcoming partygoers Possessions: Baseball bat, multicolored win bottles strapped to his belt, shackles around his wrists (their chain between broken) Philosophy/ Motto: Everyone should thank the party host, preferably with food…

January 26, 2023

A mysterious woman who is deeply entwined in Collin’s past. Formerly an animal tamer and tour guide at the Enchanted Vivarium (before her abrupt firing), few seem to know of her current whereabouts. She may hold the key to unraveling the truth about Jessie’s sister, the Lango Fever, and the Thunderstones. Role Llyda’s role is…

January 26, 2023

Role: A trickster fairy who speaks in riddles and wants to imprison everyone who comes across him. The fairy king offers the first challenge to our protagonists and introduces another race to the readers. He’s potentially offering advice but it’s confusing and causes problems. He also betrays and creates conflict. He has a penchant for…