September 8, 2023

Mermaids of Breckon Bore are native to the southern edge of Lake Glacia, most notably Vinehearth, where King Marimest held a wedding for his son, Prince Charles and his bride, until the celebration was invaded, and most of the attendees slaughtered. Those who hadn’t perished or vanished were nurtured back to health in the Enchanted…

September 8, 2023

Giant turtles, which migrate all throughout the Laurentian Lakes, but have maintained a presence in Duno Hollows—initially due to barriers to keep them near the zoo, but also because it’s a large, peaceful lake with minimal traffic. Legend says no sailor exits Duno Hollow unscathed because of the ferocious snapper. Llyda Croftwillow, however, knows they’re…

September 8, 2023

Flying beasts that hunt and mate during thunderstorms. The beat of their wings is known to generate lightning strikes and thunder.

September 8, 2023

Tavern for pirates and misfits. Located in the region called Windfall’s Snare, an island peninsula off the coast of Euchaberry.